VEVOR Heat Press Machine 12 x 15 Inch 8 in 1 Heat Press Sublimation Machine 360?° Rotation Swing Aw E415-TJBHYXKLP8001AUNPV1

8 In 1 Heat Press Machine
Experience the ultimate in heatpress technology with our 8 in 1 Heat Press Machine. Thiscutting-edge machine features a spacious 12 x 15 heat plate that isdesigned to deliver exceptional transfer performance. We haveincorporated the latest double-tube heating technology andtwo-layer insulation cotton to ensure optimal heat distribution andefficiency. The result? Beautifully vibrant graphics on a widerange of items including caps, T-shirts, mugs, plates, and more.Our 8 in 1 Heat Press Machine is equipped with reliablemotherboards and an accurate temperature control device,guaranteeing stability and precise heat control. Say goodbye touneven transfers and hello to professional-quality results everytime. We prioritize your safety and peace of mind, which is why ourmachine boasts high-security performance. You can confidentlyoperate it knowing that safety measures are in place to protect youand your workspace. With the 360° swing away design, you'll haveeasy access to the heat plate, making it effortless to load andunload your items. This convenient feature allows for smooth andefficient workflow, saving you time and effort. Whether you're aprofessional or a hobbyist, our 8 in 1 Heat Press Machine is theperfect tool to bring your creative visions to life. Unlock endlesspossibilities and create personalized, one-of-a-kind items thatwill leave a lasting impression. Order your SKYSHALO 8 in 1 HeatPress Machine today and elevate your heat transfer game to newheights!
- Digital Control &Display
- 360° Swing AwayDesign
- Dual-tubeHeating
- High-securityPerformance
VEVOR is a leading brand thatspecializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands ofmotivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customerswith tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORhas occupied markets of more than 200 countries with 10 millionplus global members.
- Premium Tough Quality
- Incredibly Low Prices
- Fast & Secure Delivery
- 30-Day Free Returns
- 24/7 Attentive Service
- Premium Tough Quality
- Incredibly Low Prices
- Fast & Secure Delivery
- 30-Day Free Returns
- 24/7 Attentive Service

Digital Display with EasyOperation
Experience the convenience ofour precise digital display with a large-screen and comfortablesilicone buttons. Switch effortlessly between time and temperaturesettings to create a wide range of products. Our user-friendlydesign allows for simple and quick operation with just onepress.

Uniform Heating for SuperiorResults
Our innovative double-tubeheating design ensures that heat is distributed evenly, resultingin better transfer quality. Unlike single tube heating, our pressmaintains a minimal temperature difference of only about 5 ℃between the center and the edge, guaranteeing consistent andprofessional results.

Advanced Anti-scaldingTechnology
Your safety is our toppriority. With the latest two-layer insulation technology, thesurface temperature of our sublimation heat press remains at acomfortable 50 ℃ even when the working temperature reaches 210 ℃.Enjoy peace of mind while achieving outstanding heat transferresults.

Enhanced User-friendlyFeatures
We've taken care of everydetail to ensure a seamless user experience. Our upgraded handlesare designed to be more labor-saving and stable, providing you withmaximum comfort and control. Additionally, we've added two layersof thermal insulation cotton, a 4-mm aluminum silicate paperinsulation, and a 10-mm thick thermostable sponge to improve theoverall transfer effect.

Reliable Performance for All YourNeeds
Trust in the performance of ourt-shirt press machine. With a spacious 12"x 15" (29 x 38 cm) heatplaten, you'll have ample space to transfer onto flat-faced items.The Teflon-coated platen is non-stick, ensuring that your transfersare free from scorching and delivering professional-quality resultsevery time.

Complete Set of Accessories
Get everything you need withour shirt printing machine. Our package includes a platen press, ahat/cap press, three mug presses, an aluminum pot press, and twoplate presses. With this wide range of fittings, you can easilytransfer patterns onto T-shirts, caps, mugs, plates, and otherflat-surfaced items. Explore endless possibilities with ourcomprehensive set of accessories.

- Rated Power:800W
- Rated Voltage:110V
- Rated Frequency: 50Hz
- The Highest Temperature:210 ℃/410 °F
- Transfer Size: 12"x 15"(29 x 38 cm)
- Hat/Cap Press: 6" x 3"(curved)
- Mug Press #1: 9OZ
- Mug Press #2: 12OZ
- Mug Press #3: 3"-3.5"diameter (11 OZ)
- Aluminum Pot Press: 16cm
- Plate Press #1: 8" maxdiameter
- Plate Press #2: 10" maxdiameter
- Product Size: 45.2 x 38x 45.7 cm/17.8 x 15 x 18 inch

Package Content
- 1 x CapPress
- 3 x MugPresses
- 2 x PlatePresses
- 1 x Aluminum PotPress
- 1 x PowerCord
- 1 x OperatingManual
- 1 x Removable SiliconePad and Cotton Pad
- 1 x Fully-Assembled HeatPress Machine for T-shirts
- Shirts, cups, mugs, andhats are not included.

VEVOR is a leading brand thatspecializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands ofmotivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customerswith tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORhas occupied markets of more than 200 countries with 10 millionplus global members.
- Premium Tough Quality
- Incredibly Low Prices
- Fast & Secure Delivery
- 30-Day Free Returns
- 24/7 Attentive Service
- Premium Tough Quality
- Incredibly Low Prices
- Fast & Secure Delivery
- 30-Day Free Returns
- 24/7 Attentive Service

Experience the ultimate in heat press technologywith our 8 in 1 Heat Press Machine. This cutting-edge machinefeatures a spacious 12 x 15 heat plate that is designed to deliverexceptional transfer performance. We have incorporated the latestdouble-tube heating technology and two-layer insulation cotton toensure optimal heat distribution and efficiency. The result?Beautifully vibrant graphics on a wide range of items includingcaps, T-shirts, mugs, plates, and more. Our 8 in 1 Heat PressMachine is equipped with reliable motherboards and an accuratetemperature control device, guaranteeing stability and precise heatcontrol. Say goodbye to uneven transfers and hello toprofessional-quality results every time. We prioritize your safetyand peace of mind, which is why our machine boasts high-securityperformance. You can confidently operate it knowing that safetymeasures are in place to protect you and your workspace. With the360° swing away design, you'll have easy access to the heat plate,making it effortless to load and unl